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Long For Truth: November 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Few Post-Election Thoughts
Steven Long 11/07/2012

The election is over and the country is still divided. The outcome of the torrential floods of people massing the polls is not exactly what everyone expected; or even likes, for that matter. Emotions are still running high and probably will be in the coming months as Obama is inaugurated for his second term.

Upon signing in to Facebook this morning there was already a flood of comments and status updates about the outcome of the election–most of them negative. The name-bashing and mud-slinging still continue though the race has already been completed. I myself was a bit disappointed with the outcome, but as I reflect on Scripture I had to remind myself of several things, which I would like to share with you:
  1. Remember that God is still sovereign (Proverbs 16:33). The American people voted, but Scripture is clear that God is the one who directs the outcome. This is not to say that we should never vote again, but simply to acknowledge that God's sovereignty always supersedes man's choices.
  2. Know that it is that God who raises up leaders for a purpose (Proverbs 8:15). God has put leaders in every nation, including ours. We have no idea why, nor can we understand the mind of God. For His own purpose He has guided the outcome of this election. Let us take heart and keep in mind the first point.
  3. Keep in mind that sometimes our choice of leaders reflects the spiritual decay of our society (Judges 17:6). As in the days of the judges when men did what was "right" in their own eyes, so we do the same. The vast majority of Americans seem to be content in a land without God. The choice for their candidate reflects this. In the same way that Israel was happy to indulge in their sinful lifestyles and even condone them, much of America has gone the same direction (Rom 1:32). I truly see this election as America getting what they wish for.
  4. We are commanded to pray for our leaders (1Tim 2:1-4). Whether or not we approve of our president God still commands that we pray for him and his repentance. Instead of griping about his politics or his view on immigration we need to spend time on our knees and ask God to guide him to lead our country according to Biblical standards. In the same note, we are not to bad-mouth our leaders–any of them–but rather pray for their repentance.
  5. We must submit to governing authorities (1Pe 2:13). Note, that this verse says to submit for the Lord's sake because it is He who has ordained and guided these rulers into the positions that they are in. When we disobey the government we are disobeying the direct command of God. The only instance in Scripture we are given that human disobedience was valid was a command from said authority to disobey God (Acts 5:29). Other than this, it is clear what our duties are as citizens, not of this earth, but of a God's Holy City.

With that said, let us remember these things for the next four years as we strive to honor Christ in all we do.

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