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Long For Truth: April 2016

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Gospel is for Believers

Read Bible

Refrain from cussing

Witness to someone

Some of us love checklists. If we can check things off it lets us feel a sense of accomplishment. But when it comes to the gospel checklists are bad. Very bad. Paul wrote to a group of believers in Galatia to warn them about their own checklists. They had begun validating their own justification with the checklist of the Law. Paul's stern warning should also be a warning to us. It's easy to slip into that checklist mode, but when we validate our justification by that checklist we are treading on dangerous ground.

When we begin checking off our list we become spiritually prideful and arrogant of our own righteousness. Our boastfulness to be disciplined in "religion" becomes an all consuming fire. We become our own god. We become idolaters!

For others, it causes a deep depression. I should know. I've been that person more than once. I've looked at my own checklist, and though I was seeming doing everything could not escape the feeling of condemnation. My assurance came from within rather than from the Person and work of Jesus.

Christian, while the Bible gives us proofs to look at, while we are exhorted to examine ourselves, we must remember that these were never meant to be a hard copy list to go by. Looking inward will either cause pride or depression. Let us always look upward to God and outward to the cross.

Embedded below is a Phrase I constructed of Galatians 3:1-7. The notes are attached to the bottom of the Phrase. While it is only intended to be a general overview and not a deep exposition it still serves as a good reminder for believers that we still need the gospel–even after we're saved.

Feel free to look it over and leave some feedback if you wish. To God alone be the glory for our justification. If your browser does not support the embed please visit the page using this link. Thank you.


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