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Long For Truth: July 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Importance of Biblical Hermeneutics
Steven Long 7/14/13

Here is the outline I used from tonight's podcast on hermeneutics. As promised, the links to the books I mentioned are at the end of this post.

What is hermeneutics? a method or principle of interpretation
  • By very definition that means that we cannot interpret things any way we wish
  • We are obliged to follow a set pattern of rules
  • If we don't apply these rules then chaos of the text will follow

Why is hermeneutics important?
  • It keeps the person honest about what the text says. IOW, let the text speak for itself
  • It allows a proper personal application of the text to a person's circumstances. If you interpret the text wrong, you apply it wrong; if you apply it wrong consequences ensue.

Basic principles of hermeneutics
    • Immediate context (verses surrounding the passage)
    • Cultural/historical context
    • Context of the entire book (who was it written to? Why was it written? What purpose?)
    • Let Scripture interpret Scripture. This is very helpful, especially when you come to a passage that seems to contradict another passage (Romans & James)
  • OBSERVATION (probably the most important part of study. Read the passage several times)
    • Action verbs
    • Contrasts (light-darkness, hot-cold, love-hate)
    • Look for connecting thoughts and continuing thoughts (but, and, therefore, yet, etc) Ro 8:1
    • Repetitive words/commands
    • Lists
    • Key characters and places
    • Don't let your brain disconnect when moving to a new section or chapter
      • Hyperbole (an exaggeration – Mt 19:24, Camel through the eye of a needle)
      • Figures of speech (John 10:9, I am the door)
      • Allegorical stories (Judges 7:9-21, Jotham and the tree allegory)
      • Apocolyptical language (Revelation is a special concern)
    • Look for key words that will help explain the text
    • Use lexicons. If you don't know how to use them, learn!
      • Words have different meanings in different context
      • The same word will not always mean the same thing in different contexts but some of the connotations of the basic meaning may still be the same (use Eph 2 as example)
      • Be sure to examine the word and how it is used in EVERY context in Scripture. CAREFULLY try to ascertain how the word, according to all of its meanings is used in the context of the particular passage you are studying

  • Note the theological principles in the text. Some will be easier to find than others
    • The principle should be timeless
    • It should transcend culture and time
    • It should have the same meaning to you as the original audience
  • Cross the principlized bridge (what does the modern application look like)
  • How does the principle look elsewhere in Scripture

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Brief Comparison Between Paid & Free Bible Software
Steven Long 7/13/13

This is part 4 in a TBD series on Bible software. The other parts can be found here:part 1,  part 2part 3]  

As noted in the previous post it can be a bit murky trying to determine if you need to dump money in to purchasing Bible software or if you can get away with a free version. The guidelines given before were simply to help you determine which need best fits you. But to go a little further and to make things a bit murkier I decided to that a brief comparison between a popular paid and free software might be useful–or even a bit more confusing.

Below is a screen shot of Logos software at the top (the paid version) and the Word software on the bottom (the free version). Just a quick glance will tell you that the layout of the two are quite comparable. As you can see, I have multiple panes open on both programs. This is a common feature with both paid and free programs. This can be quite useful when you are trying to compare texts or view the underlying nuances of a particular word in multiple lexicons. For example, the bottom screen shot, the Word free software, you will notice that I have 2 lexicons open side by side. As we are preaching through the book of Judges I wanted to see how a particular Hebrew word was translated in the LXX. I then wanted to compare that Greek word with different lexicons. This is where the feature of being able to open multiple lexicons at the same time really came in handy. I was able to see the Greek and Hebrew translations in parallel, which assisted greatly while preparing my sermon.

But let's get down to the nitty-gritty of things: what's the real difference between a paid and free version software? I'll have to admit, a paid version just has advantages that you just won't get with a free version. But on the other hand, the free version can do quite a bit of stuff that the paid version can. So let's do a brief comparison: a bold 'P' represents the pro while a bold 'C' represents the con. 'P' and 'C' together can represent both a pro and a con.

Just a quick note: while I'm only comparing two different programs, most of the features presented are quite common in all programs. 

Pros & Cons:
Paid Version

  1. PThe paid version has a tightly integrated system that pulls all relevant information to one place about any given topic. With the free version you would have to do multiple searches
  2. PThe paid version has a broader range of search capabilities. This is very useful when you want to search for a particular lemma or inflected form of a word. 
  3. CThe paid version makes you pay for books you could otherwise get free in the public domain. When I questioned Logos about this the response was that I wasn't paying so much for the book as for the advantage of having convenience of it working well with the program itself. 
  4. PThe paid version has far more access to "specialized" books; by specialized I mean those hard-to-find, rare, lexicons and other works that are priceless for those of us who teach and preach on a regular basis. 
  5. PThe paid version excels at the original languages. To go along with number 4, the paid versions shine when it comes to working with the original languages. You can get much more information about a word in this type of a program than you can with a free version. 
  6. PCThe paid version is not very customizable. You're pretty much stuck with the books in whatever package you buy. This might not be a bad thing but it might give you a lot of materials you may never use or even know you have. Refer to part 3 of this series for more info in this area. 
  7. PThe paid version offers stunning maps and photographs. This is very useful if you happen to be a visual learner like myself. I love being able to view a place on a map just to get a better context of what I'm reading in the Scriptures at the moment. 
  8. PC Most paid version now offer a flexible payment plan. Hard economic times means less spending. With payment plan options you can own a paid version software at a relatively low monthly cost. Most of them do not charge interest but do tack on a nominal service fee for each month the payment plan is in effect. 
Pros & Cons:
Free Version
  1. PThe free version offers a variety of Bibles, texts, lexicons, and other helps. With the paid version you have to buy many of the books that you can download for free in the public domain. 
  2. PThe free version allows you to sync your Bibles and commentary texts to scroll together. This is a feature that paid version often boast about, but truthfully it is always been a feature of free versions ever since I've been using them. 
  3. PThe free version offers good note-taking capabilities. While the paid version usually has much better highlighting capabilities I often find their note-taking quite lacking. In my experience, the free version usually outshines the paid version in this area and seems to be a cleaner format when typing and formatting text. 
  4. CThe free version lacks sorely when it comes to the original languages. Sometimes you just wanna go a bit deeper into a word or the syntax of a particular structure. Unfortunately, you just can't always do that with the free version. The books are mostly limited to what's in the public domain. 
  5. PCThe free version usually offers paid add-on modules. There are some books you can have in a free version that you normally only get with a paid version. For example, BDAG, TDNT (abridged), and IVP background commentaries. These are premium books that you pay for and unlock a code to download them. Doing this can greatly enhance your free library without spending the kind of money you would spend buying them in a package with the paid version. 
  6. PCThe free version is much more customizable. In other words, you just download the books you want without getting the stuff you don't! The downside to this is that you must download them all individually, which can eat up a lot of time. You just have to take the time to peruse the library and note the stuff that you want. 
  7. PNew modules and books are regularly being added. Check back regularly at the free version websites as new content is always being uploaded. With the paid version you have to pay for any new items they publish. 
  8. CThe free version is not as regularly updated. This is probably one of the biggest drawbacks to a free version. Because it's free and the programmers have regular jobs they can't dedicate themselves to fully keeping the software up to date. This also means a lack of technical support. Most times, you have to find help in an online forum regarding the issue you are having. 
Obviously, this is not an exhaustive list. There are other things to consider, like automatic citations, user friendliness, speed of the program, etc. But hopefully this will be enough to inform you which way direction to pursue. 

Hope this post has been helpful and please feel free to contact us at longfortrugh@gmail.com for any questions or concerns you may have. Thanks. 


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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Fulfillment Through Failure
Steven Long 7/04/13

This is the written transcript of the sermon preached at Albemarle Reformed Church on Sunday, June 23, 2013. The audio portion can be heard here: [Fulfillment Through Failure - Judges 15:9-20].

Fulfillment Through Failure
Judges 15:9-20

Thus far in Samson's life we have not yet seen how he has fulfilled the God-given role as judge and Nazarite. We have had exceptional views of his carnality, especially with women, his hot tempered tantrums, and his bull-raging reactions that led to downright murder. Remember Samson's original calling? His parents were given strict orders to raise him in the Nazarite tradition. He was not eat any unclean thing, nor to drink any wine or strong drink, nor to ever let a razor come upon his head, nor even to touch anything that would cause him to become unclean. In fact, his mother had to keep the Nazarite vow herself for the entire gestation period of her son, thus fulfilling God's promise to them that their child would be a Nazarite from the womb.

We look at the totality of Samson's life and say that he failed; and to a good extent, he did! But the closing of this chapter is a bit different as we will see. We have seen already how God can take our own sinful choices, redeem them, and fulfill His purposes. But what about the purpose that He has laid out for our own lives? Nearly every sermon I have ever heard on Samson went a little something like this: “Samson was a saved soul but wasted his life. Don't waste your life if you're a Christian.” It would seem that the author of Judges would have us learn a little more from Samson than that! Looking at the book as a whole we see the entire menagerie of judges along with their strengths and weakness that God raised up; and we see what God mightly worked through them. Taken as a whole, the book of Judges teaches us what happens when “every man [does] right in his own eyes.” In other words, a society void of any kind of true spiritual guidance.

We should not, then, think of Samson's life any different. Instead, we should focus on the bigger picture of the book and extracting the individual principles from each of the lives of the Judges to shape our own understanding and theology of what our lives would end up as in God-less environment. Samson is one of those many pieces of the whole and as we approach the end of his life we can certainly see how God fulfilled Samson's purpose as Nazarite and judge through his own failures. Let us now take time to examine that very thing!

vv.9-10 The Philistines Raid! Verse 8 leaves us with the vengeful Samson hiding out at the Rock of Etam. He has violently burned the crop of the Philistines and killed many of their valiant men and now flees to take rest from his work. But his rest is soon disturbed. The Philistines catch a whiff of the general area that he is hiding out in and in force march on the areal of Lehi. The text states that they “spread themselves in Lehi.” The word literally means 'to uproot' and suggests that they came in force, hence the word 'raid' is used in some translations. We are not told whether any blood was shed on the townspeople or not, but it is quite possible that in retaliation they would more than likely kill some of the men of Judah for their own losses. The men of Judah are certainly frightened enough to send representatives to the Philistines and ask why they have come up against them. This in itself could be an indication that it was more than a simple “camp out” but without exact details it is only conjecture.

Upon being asked they explain the events of the previous verses; how Samson had burned their standing crops and killed some of their finest men. Their answer is clear: to do to Samson as they had done to them. In other words, to kill him. And if they could not kill the man himself they would be content with killing his people.

vv.11-13 The Men of Judah Confront Samson. The men of Judah now have a clear and concise answer. They know that they must turn him over to the Philistines in order to appease their wrath. But they are caught in a dilemma. Can they very well kill their own kin? And if they do not what will be the next move of the Philistines? They cannot hold off any longer, and so they send 3,000 men to the place where Samson is hiding. We are told that he is holding up at Etam, and more particularly at the cleft of the rock of Etam. According to many, this was a place of natural defense and offered great protection. It only makes sense that Samson would have fled here after his initial encounter with the Philistines. According to Josephus, the town of Etam itself was also a place with a plentiful source of water.

The men of Judah are blunt with Samson: “Don't you know the Philistines are rulers over us?” In short they are reminding Samson of their captivity; of the fact that if the Philistines chose to do so they could squash them at any moment. Samson does not seem the least bit worried, as his previous encounters with them has shown. This is an interesting thing for it seems to point to the fact that he was somewhat aware of God's calling on his life; he seemed to understand that his parents had raised him for this specific purpose. It seems impossible to fathom that he grew up without his mother repeating to him several times the word of the Lord: “He shall be a Nazarite; he shall begin the deliverance of Israel.” Yet, it seems that he cares nothing for the plight of his own people. If he did not care enough to save the life of his wife and in-laws, surely he would not exert too much effort in this task that God had called him to.

But notice Samson's response: “As they did unto me, so I have done unto them.” His response is the same as that of the Philistines in verse 9. Both parties felt justified in their own actions. Samson felt justified in killing the Philistines. The Philistines now want to do to Samson as he did to [them]. The Hebrew construction of both the reasons given by Samson and the Philisitnes is almost identical. The paralled expressions are quite similar and, I believe, intentional by the author. But what does he mean to tell us by this? For certain one cannot say, but I believe it is to show the actions of Samson, a man set apart to do God's work, were no different than the uncircumcised nation that God had intended to drive completely out of the land!

But then it seems that Samson has a change of heart. He agrees to surrender to the men only if they do not kill him. The men agree and assure him that they only intend to bind him and hand him over to the enemy. It seems to be a fair deal. Samson will answer to the Philistines for his own actions and the Philistines will leave with him quietly, allowing the land to be at peace once again.

vv.14-17 Heaps upon Heaps. The deal is struck and the men of Judah bind Samson. We are told in the previous verse that they bind him with two new ropes. More than likely, these new ropes were of the utmost strength, and them men, knowing of Samson's strength probably felt secure binding him with the strongest material that was available to them. Another interesting parallel is that Samson divulges to Delilah that “new ropes” would cause him to loose his strength. Perhaps he was thinking of this incident when he fooled her. It seems that the author makes it a point to tell us that the ropes were new; they were strong; something that no ordinary man would be able to break. But then again, Samson was not really an ordinary man.

Upon hearing that Samson is captured and bound the Philistines come running out in a victorious manner to take hold of their captive. Josephus goes as far to say that within the Philistine camp there shouts of joy and shouting, and actually coming out running to take hold of himi But their victory is short-lived. We are told that at this scene the Spirit of the Lord rushes upon him. The description given next is quite amazing:
the ropes that were on his arms became as flax that has caught fire, and his bonds melted off his hands.
Flax was a plant common to that region and was often planted and cultivated for its many uses, one of them to retrieve the fine threads from the plant to make and twist linen together. The Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature says this of the flax plant:
Few plants are at once so lovely and so useful as the slender, upright herb, With taper leaves and large blue-purple flowers, from which are fashioned alike the coarsest canvas and the most ethereal cambric or lawn the sail of the ship and the fairy-looking scarf which can be packed into a filbert shell. It was of linen, in part at least, that the hangings of the. tabernacle were constructed, white, blue, and crimson, with cherubim in woven; and it. was of linen that the vestments of Aaron were fashioned. When arrayed in all his, glory, Solomon could put on nothing more costly than the finest linen of Egypt; and describing "the marriage of the Lamb," the seer of Patmos represents the bride as." arrayed in fine linen, clean and white; for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints." ii

Basically, the author is telling the audience that the ropes which bound Samson became as weak and fragile as the plant which they so commonly used to weave the thread for their clothes. In fact, it became like one of those plants that had caught flame, making it even weaker. Imagine the pure strength that God had empowered Samson with! Very few men could have broken an old, rotted rope let alone one that was freshly made and still had its original strength. But this is exactly what happened. And upon being free, Samson discovers the jawbone of a donkey and immediately thinks to use it as a weapon against the oncoming Philistines. He slaughters an incredible 1,000 men. The only other time we are told of a feat that even comes close in Judges 3:31 of Shamgar who killed 600 Philistines in one battle. Samson then goes on to make up a little poem about himself. Commentator of the Scriptures, John Lange, gives an interesting insight into the literal translation of the Samson's poem.
With the jaw-bone of an ass I slew two armies: With the jaw-bone of an ass I took vengeance on a thousand.For in the clause בִּלְחי הַחֲמוֹר חֲמוֹר חֲמֹרָתָיִם the paronomasia is to be noted between חַמוֹר, an ass, and חֲמֹר, a heap, which latter is here poetically used of an “army.”

In other words, he is waxing poetic and in a sense "rhyming" or "paralelling" Philistines with an animal, a donkey, no less which was a beast of burden. Quite fitting as the Israelites were the ones bearing the burden of the beast. And now that he is done with his little game Samson finally throws away his makeshift weapon and rests.
vv.18-19 Samson's Boast and Humility. Josephus records a very interesting thing at this point in Samson's victory and I think it is quite worth a look. He states of this very battle,
Upon this slaughter Samson was too proud of what he had performed, and said that this did not come to pass by the assistance of God, but that his success was to be ascribed to his own courage, and vaunted himself, that it was out of a dread of him that some of his enemies fell, and the rest ran away upon his use of the jawbone; (302) but when a great thirst came upon him, he considered that human courage is nothing, and bare his testimony that all is to be ascribed to God, and besought him that he would not be angry at anything he had said, nor give him up into the hands of his enemies, but afford him help under his affliction, and deliver him from the misfortune he was under. (303) Accordingly God was moved with his entreaties, and raised him up a plentiful fountain of sweet water at a certain rock; whence it was that Samson called the place the Jawbone, and so it is called to this day.iii
At first, Samson boasted in his own strength. But then we see God humble him in the human need and weakness for water. Note how Josephus tells us that he considered nothing of his victory could really be ascribed to Himself that God heard his prayer and opened the rock for him to drink from. In the moment of his greatest strength God brought him to his lowest point (1Pe 5:5). And the text tells us that he entreats the Almighty not to fall into the hands of the “uncircumcised.”
It seems now that the man who once wanted to be a part of the people of the uncircumcised was now coming to the realization that they were the enemies of God's people and that he was the one God had chosen to begin the deliverance of them.
v.20 Fulfillment Through Failure. This is the verse that I want to focus on. We are told that Samson judges Israel for twenty years. Why is this important? I think it is important for two reasons:
  1. This is the first indication we have of Samson fulfilling his God-given role. It seems that after this event that Samson was finally living up to what God had called him to do. Some may argue that he was indeed fulfilling this role prior to this incident and that the author is “combining” it with this episode. In either case, it is still the first time mentioned. Until now. We have seen a selfish, ruthless, uncaring, unloving, and fleshly man trapped in a little boy's body. Honestly looking back at Samson's life can we really see the Biblical definition of what a man is supposed to be? I think not.
  2. This is the culmination of God fulfilling Samson's purpose for Samson's life. I certainly don't mean that in a seeker-friendly, God-has-a-wonderful-plan-for-your-life, kind of way. But let's face it. If we are believers, true followers of Christ, God has intended a purpose for us. God set Samson apart from the womb, just like He did Jeremiah, just like He did Paul, and just like He did you and me, if we are in Christ. This is not to say that God's will for all His people is to be a Peter, Paul, James, etc. It is simply to say that God has purposed in Christ Jesus from the foundation of the world to buy and own a people that would live out His will here on earth. God's purpose is to place those people in the body, fitted together, in order to build up His spiritual house. Some people waste so much energy trying to “discover” what God's will is for their lives that they miss this entire purpose; or else they trade in what they know God wants them to do just to do what they desire. Either way, God always has a way of bringing it back around, just like He did Samson.
     Despite what you do to avoid the responsibilities that God has given you; despite any childish decisions or actions that you do, God will work out His plan to fulfill your purpose for your life; even it means that you have to go through a lot of pain to get there. And as we'll see at the close of Samson's life, he had to go through a lot of pain to ultimately allow God to fulfill his purpose through his own failures.
i Josephus, Flavius. The Antiquities of the Jews, pg. 105, Echo Library, 2006.

ii McClintock, John, and James Strong. Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, vol 3, pg 591. Harper, 1894.

iii Josephus, Flavius. The Antiquities of the Jews, pg. 105, Echo Library, 2006.

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