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Long For Truth: September 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Does My Job Really Matter?

Before the Reformation work was divided into two categories: the sacred and the mundane. There were those who were called to be priests, nuns, and monks. And then there was the rest of humanity. Only those who were the spiritual were the ones who could really do anything "important" for God.
Then came the Reformation. Martin Luther began espousing that there was no difference between those who were called to the ministry and those who were called to be farmers, or housewives, or blacksmiths. Because we as believers are part of the priesthood our vocation is our ministry. This means that when the housewife fulfills her role as such that she doing the work of the Lord. When a truck driver delivers product to customers he is doing the work of the Lord.
Vocation is a calling and Danny & I discussed this in our interview with RJ Grunewald. His webisite is RJGrune.com. RJ writes extensively on the Doctrine of Vocation.
I hope this episode causes you to see your vocation in new light. Mostly, I hope it encourages you to do your job to the glory of God!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Not Only Does Theology Matter...Doctrine Does, Too

Okay, so the title is a bit misleading. Your doctrine is always determined by your theology. Not surprising then that Brian Houston of Hillsong fame totally flunked the basic Theology quiz.  Not only did he NOT know what Modalism was, he accused pastors who tried to correct him of being demonic and evil like the "same persons Jesus refers to in the book of Romans and Galatians"[source]. What's worse, is that he deleted his tweets when further pressed.

Folks, theology really does matter–especially if you are a pastor with thousands of people following you and hanging on your every word. If a pastor is not familiar with even the basic tenets of doctrine then he certainly has no business being the shepherd of souls.

Keep fighting the good fight and stand for Truth.


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Saturday, September 13, 2014

It's Not a "Mistake"

Why must we always try to redefine it? Why can we never accept it for what it is? Flip Wilson always stated, (though in jest) "The devil made me do it." Past eras have simply blamed it on the old adage, "I can't help it. That's just who I am."

But the modern Evangelical church is the worst! They call it a mistake, a mishap, a screwup, or a fault.

But why can't we just call it what it really is? Better yet, why can't we call it what the Bible calls it?

I'm talking about sin. According to Scripture it is what separates us from God (Isa 59:2), causes eternal death & separation from God (Rom 6:23), and causes God to pour out His wrath upon those who do not bow the knee to His Holy Son (John 3:36).

But most importantly it is what caused God to pour out His wrath upon His one and only Son (Matt 26:28, 1John 2:2).

In it's most basic form sin is the transgressing or a "crossing over" of God's boundaries. It is akin to a one who knows the boundaries of the ocean, yet treads into its waters with no boat, intent on reaching a destination that is not known to him. Eventually, he will drown!

Can we then really call it a mistake? No. A mistake is something that happens when one is not aware of what he is doing. Can we call it a mishap? Again, no. A mishap is something that happens beyond our circumstances or control. A screwup? Maybe. But that doesn't really capture the essence of what it means to violate God's moral and spiritual laws.

It is an ugly thing, this sin. It mocks God's holiness and defiles His commandments. It spits in His face and declares that He is no Sovereign over us, but that we shall have command over our own lives. Sin goes as far as even denying that we are created in His own image, exchanging the glory of the immortal God for our own glory (Rom 1:22).

Perhaps the Church should stop trying to come up with more relevant terms and just use the same definitions that God uses. In the end, it will be a far greater benefit to God's people.

The Great Divine, in Righteousness
to judge with equity
In utter condemnation stood
the Royal Law transgressed 

"Guilty! Guilty!" charged the tells
"What plea ye, oh man?"
But silence on my lips befell
for nought a thing for me to stand

"My goodness" thought I a bit
for surely there was some
But then I glanced His open books
Now, my condemnation done

Upon the ground in front of Him
I fell as though were dead
The only judgment, tis my death 
in death eternal, the Abyss 

In passing moments, sin and bleak
before my weeping eyes
"Mercy! Mercy, on my soul"
"all that I my cry"

"A refuge for thee, have I made"
Oh! Sweet words of grace!
The cross, the refuge, there I looked
and pardon to me there exchanged

The Great Divine, in Righteousness
to judge with equity
the Son, my condemnation took
though, twas me, His Law transgressed

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