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Long For Truth: August 2014

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Calvin's Answer to Why a Cross? Could Christ Have Died Another Way?"

This is a section from book 2 ch. 16 of John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. I titled it "Why the Cross? Could Christ Have Died Another Way?"
For, in order to remove our condemnation, it was not sufficient to endure any kind of death. To satisfy our ransom, it was necessary to select a mode of death in which he might deliver us, both by giving himself up to condemnations and undertaking our expiation. Had he been cut off by assassins, or slain in a seditious tumult, there could have been no kind of satisfaction in such a death. But when he is placed as a criminal at the bar, where witnesses are brought to give evidence against him, and the mouth of the judge condemns him to die, we see him sustaining the character of an offender and evil-doer. Here we must attend to two points which had both been foretold by the prophets, and tend admirably to comfort and confirm our faith. When we read that Christ was led away from the judgment-seat to execution, and was crucified between thieves, we have a fulfilment of the prophecy which is quoted by the Evangelist, "He was numbered with the transgressors," (Is. 53:12; Mark 15:28). Why was it so? That he might bear the character of a sinner, not of a just or innocent person, inasmuch as he met death on account not of innocence, but of sin. On the other hand, when we read that he was acquitted by the same lips that condemned him (for Pilate was forced once and again to bear public testimony to his innocence), let us call to mind what is said by another prophet, "I restored that which I took not away," (Ps. 69:4). Thus we perceive Christ representing the character of a sinner and a criminal, while, at the same time, his innocence shines forth, and it becomes manifest that he suffers for another's and not for his own crime. He therefore suffered under Pontius Pilate, being thus, by the formal sentence of the judge, ranked among criminals, and yet he is declared innocent by the same judge, when he affirms that he finds no cause of death in him. Our acquittal is in this that the guilt which made us liable to punishment was transferred to the head of the Son of God (Is. 53:12). We must specially remember this substitution in order that we may not be all our lives in trepidation and anxiety, as if the just vengeance which the Son of God transferred to himself, were still impending over us.

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Friday, August 29, 2014

5 Reasons Why Hell Is a Message of Love
Steven Long 9/21/13

Condemnation; judgment; unloving; mean-spirited.

These are the words that usually come to mind when a person hears another talking about the subject of Hell. And these are the first accusations that are laid upon my fellow open air preachers when we attempt to share the Gospel of Grace with them. It seems that most people cannot get past the part of the bad news long enough to hear the good news; that is, that Christ came to save us from Hell!

The sad reality is that most open air preachers have been lumped together with all the other shock-and-awe preachers. We have been labeled and lumped together in this "hate batter" because of the actions of a few other individuals. For example, a preacher and his crew entered a Muslim festival in Dearborne, MI a couple of years ago and walked around with a fake pig's head on a stick! [source 1- their video][source 2 - pig's head]. They were immediately met with hostility; and no wonder! Of course, you will never see the pig's head or offensive signs in their video but Reuben Israel and his band of "evangelists" (I use that word loosely) are infamous for these kinds of actions. How grotesque! And how do they expect to reach Muslims with the gospel of Christ when they pull stunts like this? This one incident alone may be the cause of Dearborne from truly ever being reached for the gospel for a long time to come. Anyone who claims the Name of Christ at this festival will always be looked upon with suspicion.

This must not, however, keep Christians from preaching about the coming doom of unbelievers. While they may continue to call us haters, bigots, unkind, unloving, and a slough of other things we must not give up hope that God is sovereign and His Word shall accomplish that which [He will] purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which [He] sent it (Isa 55:11).

For this reason I would like to propose to you, believer, 5 reasons why preaching about Hell is actually a message of love. After each reason I will give a few verses in parentheses for further reading and consideration:

Firstly, it warns the unbeliever of pending judgment. Scripture is clear that life after this earth is inevitable. Hebrews 9:27 states, It is appointed unto man once to die; and after this, the judgement. As uncomfortable as it is for you to think or talk about judgment, it is a reality! We cannot escape it. We must all stand before Christ to give an account of our actions. NOT talking about judgment doesn't make it go away. So be bold. Note, that I said 'bold' not 'arrogant.' (2Pe 2:9, 2Pe 3:7, 2Cor 5:10, Re 20:12, 2Thess 1:7-8).

Secondly, it reminds the unbeliever of his/her mortality. The brevity of life is talked about throughout Scripture. It never hides the fact that our lives will one day end. In fact, it often describes our life as "vapor," indicating just how quickly life can end. A year and a half ago I myself was reminded just how quickly life can end. (Proverbs 27:1, Psa 90:12, Psa 104:29, Jas 4:13-14).

Thirdly, it exemplifies the love with which Christ loved the world. Christ came into the world to save sinners; to seek and to save that which was lost; to reconcile men to God. The demonstration and humility in which He displayed this love is insurmountable. Christ, very God, became very man in order to save His people and present them before God. Scripture declares God's love for His people. It describes it as an everlasting love. The cross is the culmination of that love. But how does this tie in with Hell being a message of love? Simply put, as Hebrews 10:26-27 states that once there is knowledge of Christ's sacrifice then there is nothing left to cover sin. In short, a person's only hope is Christ's love demonstrated on the cross (Ro 5:8, John 3:16, Eph 2:4-5, 1Thess 1:4).

Fourthly, it demonstrates God's unwavering justice Justice was done at the cross! It is hard to fathom but nevertheless it is true. But it was not justice in our traditional sense. In our realm the guilty party pays the fine, goes to jail, or otherwise is expected to pay retribution. But in God's world it was the guilty that went free while the innocent paid the price. The dear Lamb of God, perfect, holy, and sinless, was the payment of His people's sin in order to propitiate God's wrath from us. In fact, Scripture tells us that it pleased the Father to bruise His Son for us. And we are clearly told that justice was accomplished on behalf of the elect. God was just in punishing sin but He was also merciful in pardoning the guilty and imputing His Son's righteousness (Romans 3:21-26).

Fifthly, because Jesus spoke more about Hell than He did about Heaven. Our culture has turned Jesus into this super nice guy that always loved and never said a harsh word to anyone. This picture has led many to believe that such a nice guy would never condemn anyone by mentioning the 'H' word. But the truth of the matter is that Jesus spoke more about judgment and Hell than He did about Heaven and eternal life with Him. Most critics of this fact would try to point out that most of Jesus' harsh words came to the religous hypocrites. But some of His harshest sayings came to the crowds that followed Him (cf, Luke 14:25 ff, John 6:22 ff). Jesus was clear about what happened in the afterlife. He spoke of those who were unbelievers as being in outer darkness, a place of torment, weeping and gnashing of teeth, and never ending punishment. His words were sobering and a harsh reality for those who only perceive Him as a "nice guy." (Luke 16:19-31, Mt 8:12, Mt 22:1-14, Mt 25:30)

While it may be hard thing to digest talking about Hell is not an unloving thing. In fact, it is the most loving thing that a person can do. If you knew a person was in imminent danger and you refused to warn that person because you were afraid to "offend" him then you would be doing the opposite of loving: you would be hating that person by letting him wander off into his own destruction.

So be brave, Christians and continue to plead with those that are still lost. But at the same time make sure you speak with love and grace, and most of all with a humble spirit. Amen!

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Links to Make You Think

Here are this weeks links to make you think.

An encouraging post by Mike Adams from Chief Sinner entitled My Big Fat Sloppy Righteousness.

Another post by R J Grunewald from rjgrune.com. called The Worst 3 Point Sermon.

Since we talked about the doctrine of vocation in our last podcast, I thought I'd share a post discussing the doctrine from Modern Reformation.

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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Reflections: Jacob & Esau

This past week I was reading the passage of Jacob and Esau. If you're familiar with the story, you may remember that Jacob, at the prodding of his mother, tricked his father, Isaac into blessing himself rather than Esau, who was the elder.

As the story goes, Isaac was old, and blind, and near death and asked Esau to hunt and cook him some game in order to bless him before his passing. Rebekkah hears this and instructs Jacob to put on some of Esau's garments and take some game into him which she would prepare. In this way, Jacob would receive the blessing.

Expectedly, Jacob complies and follows through with it. Isaac is confused at first because he "feels" Esau's hairy hands (the sheep's skin) but hears Jacob's voice. But when he catches a whiff of Esau's clothes he is convinced that it is his elder son and goes through with the blessing.

In time Esau returns and discovers he has been swindled–again! He vows to kill his twin and Rebekkah, fearing for her son, sends him away under the guise of marrying one of her kinsman rather than the native Caananites.

This is where it gets interesting: Jacob leaves his home and stops for the night in Bethel (at the time it was called Luz). He has his famous dream of the angels ascending and descending from Heaven on a ladder. In the dream God comes to him and makes him this promise:
I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac...Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” (Gen 28:13, 15). 
Here is where the reflection comes in. God introduces Himself by declaring that He was the God of his fathers. He then follows that up with a covenant. He promises to be with Jacob and fulfill His covenant with him and his offspring.

Think about that for a minute. Jacob had just cheated his brother and yet God was honoring Jacob. Not that God approved of his cheating. But God had intended Jacob to be the heir of promise. He was still honoring that despite Jacob's past sins. The promise wasn't conditioned on Jacob's behavior. No! It was conditioned on God Himself.

Let's bring that principle home: I am an idolatrous, image-making, God-blaspheming, Sabbath breaking, parent dishonoring, murdering, adulterous, thieving, lying, covetous man.

Yet, God has a covenant with me. His Word has assured me that if I repent of my sins and in faith trust the finished work and Person of Christ for salvation then He, like Jacob, would "be with me and bring me again into [His] land". He has promised me that His Son has gone to prepare a place for me (John 14:3) and that He will continue to abide with me (John 14: 15-17).

But I fail daily! I sin, I miss the mark, and I defame His Holy Name. Yet, He has even promised that all I must do is to confess and forsake my sin (1John 1:9).

Why? Because it is not up to me or my faithfulness which God basis His promises on. It is upon His own Name and the covenant which He made with His people from eternity past.

Friend, if you are struggling with doubt and fear, and if you have truly trusted in Christ alone for salvation, know that God will lead you to your eternal inheritance. And this is not contingent upon your own faithfulness but in God's covenant keeping Name!

Amen & Amen

John Calvin: Look to Christ Alone for Divine Favour and Paternal Love

We are going to be looking at some passages from John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion over the next several Sundays. The section I have chosen to post is from Book 2 ch. 16- HOW CHRIST PERFORMED THE OFFICE OF REDEEMER IN PROCURING OUR SALVATION. THE DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND ASCENSION OF CHRIST. I will only be posting short passages from this section. If you would like to read the Institutes on line you can go here. To puchas them, you can get them from amazon for less than a buck.
This passage speaks of why the sinner needs to know of his desperate state before God. If one does not understand they are under the wrath and judgement of God they will not be able to apprehend or gratefully receive the grace of God. One of my favorite lines in the passage is- "For example, let a person be told, Had God at the time you were a sinner hated you, and cast you off as you deserved, horrible destruction must have been your doom; but spontaneously and of free indulgence he retained you in his favour, not suffering you to be estranged from him, and in this way rescued you from danger,-the person will indeed be affected, and made sensible in some degree how much he owes to the mercy of God." I pray this will help in your worship of our Savior this Sunday Morning.
But before we proceed farther, we must see in passing, how can it be said that God, who prevents us with his mercy, was our enemy until he was reconciled to us by Christ. For how could he have given us in his only-begotten Son a singular pledge of his love, if he had not previously embraced us with free favour? As there thus arises some appearance of contradiction, I will explain the difficulty. The mode in which the Spirit usually speaks in Scripture is, that God was the enemy of men until they were restored to favour by the death of Christ (Rom. 5:10); that they were cursed until their iniquity was expiated by the sacrifice of Christ (Gal. 3:10, 13); that they were separated from God, until by means of Christ's body they were received into union (Col. 1:21, 22). Such modes of expression are accommodated to our capacity, that we may the better understand how miserable and calamitous our condition is without Christ. For were it not said in clear terms, that Divine wrath, and vengeance, and eternal death, lay upon us, we should be less sensible of our wretchedness without the mercy of God, and less disposed to value the blessing of deliverance. For example, let a person be told, Had God at the time you were a sinner hated you, and cast you off as you deserved, horrible destruction must have been your doom; but spontaneously and of free indulgence he retained you in his favour, not suffering you to be estranged from him, and in this way rescued you from danger,-the person will indeed be affected, and made sensible in some degree how much he owes to the mercy of God. But again, let him be told, as Scripture teaches, that he was estranged from God by sin, an heir of wrath, exposed to the curse of eternal death, excluded from all hope of salvation, a the better understand how miserable and calamitous our condition is without Christ. For were it not said in clear terms, that Divine wrath, and vengeance, and eternal death, lay upon us, we should be less sensible of our wretchedness without the mercy of God, and less disposed to value the blessing of deliverance. For example, let a person be told, Had God at the time you were a sinner hated you, and cast you off as you deserved, horrible destruction must have been your doom; but spontaneously and of free indulgence he retained you in his favour, not suffering you to be estranged from him, and in this way rescued you from danger,-the person will indeed be affected, and made sensible in some degree how much he owes to the mercy of God. But again, let him be told, as Scripture teaches, that he was estranged from God by sin, an heir of wrath, exposed to the curse of eternal death, excluded from all hope of salvation, a complete alien from the blessing of God, the slave of Satan, captive under the yoke of sin; in fine, doomed to horrible destruction, and already involved in it; that then Christ interposed, took the punishment upon himself and bore what by the just judgment of God was impending over sinners; with his own blood expiated the sins which rendered them hateful to God, by this expiation satisfied and duly propitiated God the Father, by this intercession appeased his anger, on this basis founded peace between God and men, and by this tie secured the Divine benevolence toward them; will not these considerations move him the more deeply, the more strikingly they represent the greatness of the calamity from which he was delivered? In short, since our mind cannot lay hold of life through the mercy of God with sufficient eagerness, or receive it with becoming gratitude, unless previously impressed with fear of the Divine anger, and dismayed at the thought of eternal death, we are so instructed by divine truth, as to perceive that without Christ God is in a manner hostile to us, and has his arm raised for our destruction. Thus taught, we look to Christ alone for divine favour and paternal love.

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Links to Make You Think

Here are this week’s links to make you think.
Aaron Denlinger of reformation 21 has an interesting post on John Calvin’s view of work.
Jon Bloom of Desiring God writes a very thought provoking and encouraging piece about the power of the tounge.
Great post by John Samson on Acts 13:48 called All who were ordained for eternal life believed.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Links to Last Night's Podcast

Is your secular job a calling from God? Is it just as important to change diapers, fix automobiles, build houses, bag groceries, and drive a truck as it is to be involved in full time ministry? In this podcast we discuss the doctrine of vocation as we look at two articles, one called 18 Quotes on vocation by RJ Grunewald, and the second called Our Calling, Our Spheres by Tullian Tchividjian. At the end of the podcast I read a passage from Luther’s book, A Treaties on Good Works. You can pick it up at amazon. The Kindle version is free! I hope you enjoy the podcast. You can listen to it right here on the blog. The player is in the sidebar. You just might be surprised with how concerned God is with your vocation. It's more than just a job, it's a calling!

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Monday, August 18, 2014

24 Heretical Teachings of the Word of Faith Movement


2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

The Health, wealth, and Prosperity Gospel is directly linked to the Word of Faith Movement. Both go hand in hand. Although there are Prosperity Teachers who are not Word of Faith, there are no Word of Faith Teachers that do not teach the Prosperity Gospel. Sadly, Word of Faith prosperity teaching has had global consequences. Thanks to many of the teachers in this post, this demonic "gospel" has made its way Around the world through venues Such as TBN and God TV. The most blasphemous statement these people make is that the Christian is a "little god." If you know anyone involved in the Word of Faith Movement, or the Prosperity Gospel, please direct them to this post.
Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.

1. God used the "force of faith" to create the universe.

2. God is six feet tall and has a hand span of about nine inches.

3. Heaven is a planet, and earth is the carbon copy of heaven.

4. Adam was created a "little god."

5. Because Adam was a "little god" he had super powers.

6. When Adam sinned he handed his godhood over to Satan, making Satan the god of this world.

7. God was left on the outside, desperately seeking a way to get back into the earth realm.

8. This made God the "biggest failure" in all the Bible.

9. God could be involved in this earth realm only by permission.

10. This left God seeking people such as Abraham to "allow Him" to work (His plan, if those He asked would allow, was to bring a Messiah into the world to take back His authority from Satan).

11. Those He invited into His plan didn't have to accept if they didn't want to, and God could do nothing about it (poor God!).

12. Using the "force of faith," God began to speak the Messiah into existence through the prophets, and finally Jesus ("the spoken Word") was born.

13. However, contrary to some, Jesus never claimed to be God.

14. Jesus had a big house and wore designer clothes.

15. We know He was rich because Judas stole money from "the bag."

16. Jesus was so rich that while He was on the cross the soldiers gambled for His clothes.

17. While on the cross Jesus took on the nature Satan.

18. At the cross God was no longer Jesus’ Father.

19. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins not on the cross, but in hell.

20. In hell, Jesus became the first born again man (in other words Jesus needed to be saved).

21. God spoke into the bowels of hell and resurrected Christ, defeating Satan and taking back His authority.

22. Now because of the work of Christ every Christian is a "little god."

23. As "little gods" we no longer have to be poor, but are to live in health, wealth, and prosperity.

24. As "little gods" we no longer have to pray "thy will be done."

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Little Sunday Humor: Seeker Friendly Fortune Cookies

I like fortune cookies. The little proverbs they slip inside are very general but fun to read. It got me thinking: what would a fortune inside a fortune cookie from a seeker friendly church look like? Here a few of them. Have fun :)

You the man!

Be the change

I love you, I want you, I need you

Self-dream + self-determination = A fulfilled you :)

Your potential is limitless. What are you waiting for?

When you're ready, God is ready to change the world through you!

These are just a few. If you have any of your own leave them here in a comment. Remember, these are just for fun.

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Not a Dreg in the Cup

Here is this weeks sermon excerpt from Spurgeon. He preached this sermon entitled "None but Jesus" on February 17, 1861. I chose the segment of the sermon on Christ as our substitute. I hope it encourages you and helps you in the worship of our Lord this Sunday morning.
On nothing else must thou trust; he is to be the only prop and pillar of thy confidence; and all thou addest thereunto will be a wicked antichrist, a rebellion against the sovereignty of the Lord Jesus. But take care if your faith save you, that while you look to Christ in all these matters you view him as being a substitute. This doctrine of substitution is so essential to the whole plan of salvation that I must explain it here for the thousandth time. God is just, he must punish sin; God is merciful, he wills to pardon those who believe in Jesus. How is this to be done? How can he be just and exact the penalty,—merciful, and accept the sinner? He doeth it thus: he taketh the sins of his people and actually lifteth them up from off his people to Christ, so that they stand as innocent as though they had never sinned, and Christ is looked upon by God as though he had been all the sinners in the world rolled into one. The sin of his people was taken from their persons, and really and actually, not typically and metaphorically, but really and actually laid on Christ. Then God came forth with his fiery sword to meet the sinner and to punish him. He met Christ. Christ was not a sinner himself; but the sins of his people were all imputed to him. Justice, therefore, met Christ as though he had been the sinner—punished Christ for his people's sins—punished him as far as its rights could go,—exacted from him the last atom of the penalty, and left not a dreg in the cup. And now, he who can see Christ as being his substitute, and puts his trust in him, is thereby delivered from the curse of the law. Soul, when thou seest Christ obeying the law—thy faith is to say, "He obeys that for his people." When thou seest him dying, thou art to count the purple drops, and say, "Thus he took my sins away." When thou seest him rising from the dead, thou art to say—"He rises as the head and representative of all his elect"; and when thou seest him sitting at the right hand of God, thou art to view him there as the pledge that all for whom he died shall most surely sit at the Father's right hand. Learn to look on Christ as being in God's sight as though he were the sinner. "In him was no sin." He was "the just," but he suffered for the unjust. He was the righteous, but he stood in the place of the unrighteous; and all that the unrighteous ought to have endured, Christ has endured once for all, and put away their sins for ever by the sacrifice of himself. Now this is the great object of faith. I pray you, do not make any mistake about this, for a mistake here will be dangerous, if not fatal. View Christ, by your faith, as being in his life, and death, and sufferings, and resurrection, the substitute for all whom his Father gave him,—the vicarious sacrifice for the sins of all those who will trust him with their souls. Christ, then, thus set forth, is the object of justifying faith.

Now let me further remark that there are some of you, no doubt, saying—"Oh, I should believe and I would be saved if"—If what? If Christ had died? "Oh no, sir, my doubt is nothing about Christ." I thought so. Then what is the doubt? "Why, I should believe if I felt this, or if I had done that." Just so; but I tell you, you could not believe in Jesus if you felt that, or if you had done that, for then you would believe in yourself, and not in Christ. That is the English of it. If you were so-and-so, or so-and-so, then you could have confidence. Confidence in what? Why, confidence in your feelings, and confidence in your doings, and that is just the clear contrary of confidence in Christ. Faith is not to infer from something good within me that I shall be saved, but to say in the teeth, and despite of the fact that I am guilty in the sight of God and deserve his wrath, yet I do nevertheless believe that the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth me from all sin; and though my present consciousness condemns me, yet my faith overpowers my consciousness, and I do believe that "he is able to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by him." To come to Christ as a saint is very easy work; to trust to a doctor to cure you when you believe you are getting better, is very easy; but to trust your physician when you feel as if the sentence of death were in your body, to bear up when the disease is rising into the very skin, and when the ulcer is gathering its venom—to believe even then in the efficacy of the medicine—that is faith. And so, when sin gets the mastery of thee, when thou feelest that the law condemns thee, then, even then, as a sinner, to trust Christ, this is the most daring feat in all the world; and the faith which shook down the walls of Jericho, the faith which raised the dead, the faith which stopped the mouths of lions, was not greater than that of a poor sinner, when in the teeth of all his sins he dares to trust the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ. Do this, soul, then thou are saved, whosoever thou mayest be. The object of faith, then, is Christ as the substitute for sinners. God in Christ, but not God apart from Christ, nor any work of the Spirit, but the work of Jesus only must be viewed by you as the foundation of your hope.

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Links to Make You Think

Here are this week’s links to make you think:
"Jesus comes to us, having qualified, competed, and won. He doesn’t give us work to do, he gives us a work completed. He hands us the gold medal he’s won, and we find that it’s inscribed with our name. His victory is attributed to us."
"In this four minute video, Pastor Tullian suggests that, really, there’s no such thing as a strong Christian. Christianity isn’t about our strength…it’s about Christ’s."
The death of Robin Williams was tragic, and many asking "why?" Here is a good post by Just and Sinner entitled "Why Did Robin Williams Die?"
Is it ever ok to attend a "gay wedding?"

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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Biblical Manhood Vlog Cast

Here is the latest vlogcast. This is my first experience using the green screen so it may seem a little glitchy. Hopefully, I'll get better as I experiment more. Enjoy. And be sure to leave a little feedback here or on our Facebook page. Thanks.

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The Tongs of Faith

Here is an excerpt of a sermon preached by Charles Spurgeon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. It was published on Thursday, October 7, 1915. The sermon was entitled, All of Grace. You can read the entire sermon here.

A present salvation must be through grace, and salvation by grace must be through faith. You cannot get a hold of salvation by grace by any other means than by faith. This live coal from off the altar needs the golden tongs of faith with which to carry it. I suppose that it might have been possible, if God had so willed it, that salvation might have been through works, and yet by grace; for if Adam had perfectly obeyed the law of God, still he would only have done what he was bound to do; and so, if God should have rewarded him, the reward itself must have been according to grace, since the Creator owes nothing to the creature. This would have been a very difficult system to work, while the object of it was perfect; but in our case it would not work at all. Salvation in our case means deliverance from guilt and ruin, and this could not have been laid hold of by a measure of good works, since we are not in a condition to perform any. Suppose I had to preach that you as sinners must do certain works, and then you would be saved; and suppose that you could perform them; such a salvation would not then have been seen to be altogether of grace; it would have soon appeared to be of debt. Apprehended in such a fashion, it would have come to you in some measure as the reward of work done, and its whole aspect would have been changed. Salvation by grace can only be gripped by the hand of faith: the attempt to lay hold upon it by the doing of certain acts of law would cause the grace to evaporate. "Therefore, it is of faith that it might be by grace." "If by grace, then it is no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work."
Some try to lay hold upon salvation by grace through the use of ceremonies; but it will not do. You are christened, confirmed, and caused to receive "the holy sacrament" from priestly hands, or you are baptized, join the church, sit at the Lord's table: does this bring you salvation? I ask you, "have you salvation?" "You dare not say." If you did claim salvation of a sort, yet I am sure it would not be in your minds salvation by grace.
Again, you cannot lay hold upon salvation by grace through your feelings. The hand of faith is constructed for the grasping of a present salvation by grace. But feeling is not adapted for that end. If you go about to say, "I must feel that I am saved. I must feel so much sorrow and so much joy or else I will not admit that I am saved," you will find that this method will not answer. As well might you hope to see with your ear, or taste with your eye, or hear with your nose, as to believe by feeling: it is the wrong organ. After you have believed, you can enjoy salvation by feeling its heavenly influences; but to dream of getting a grasp of it by your own feelings is as foolish as to attempt to bear away the sunlight in the palm of your hand, or the breath of heaven between the lashes of your eyes. There is an essential absurdity in the whole affair.
Moreover, the evidence yielded by feeling is singularly fickle. When your feelings are peaceful and delightful, they are soon broken in upon, and become restless and melancholy. The most fickle of elements, the most feeble of creatures, the most contemptible circumstances, may sink or raise your spirits: experienced men come to think less and less of their present emotions as they reflect upon the little reliance which can be safely placed upon them. Faith receives the statement of God concerning His way of gracious pardon, and thus it brings salvation to the man believing; but feeling, warming under passionate appeals, yielding itself deliriously to a hope which it dares not examine, whirling round and round in a sort of dervish dance of excitement which has become necessary for its own sustaining, is all on a stir, like the troubled sea which cannot rest. From its boilings and ragings, feeling is apt to drop to lukewarmness, despondency, despair and all the kindred evils. Feelings are a set of cloudy, windy phenomena which cannot be trusted in reference to the eternal verities of God.


Friday, August 8, 2014

Joseph Prince Denies God's Sovereignty

In a video of a sermon excerpt by Joseph Prince, Prince tries to make the protection God provides his people in Psalm 91 all encompassing. In other words, a promise of 24 hour protection from every form of disease, pestilence, and destruction that God sends on the earth. Not only does he make "arrow" in verse 5 to mean missile (yep, as in military weapons) he also quotes John G Lake who said if one was born again, they were incarnate "I want you to hear what Jesus said about himself. God was in Christ, wasn’t He? An incarnation. God is in you, an incarnation, if you were born again. you are incarnate" (John G. Lake, His Life, His Sermons, His Boldness of Faith, 1995, Kenneth Copeland Publications).
Evidently Prince believes this and other blasphemous statements by Lake since he calls him a "great man of God. The point that Prince makes in this sermon is that Believers have the promise of God's protection 24/7.

Suffering is ordained by God

What is not taken into consideration however, is that God does ordain suffering for His children. The Bible is replete with passages on suffering persecution, temptation, and various trials. Christ is even mentioned as our model for suffering- Hebrews 12:2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Prince seems to be saying that Psalm 91 promises God will never allow any suffering to come upon His children.

What about our persecuted brothers and sisters in the Middle East?

Yet what about our brothers and sisters right now undergoing tremendous suffering in the Middle East? "I am gravely concerned about the physical safety of several minority groups in Iraq, including Christians, Shia, Shabaks, Turkmen, Yazidis and others who are being persecuted on the grounds of their religion and ethnicity", said the United Nations' Special Rapporteur on minority issues, Rita Izsák.
"Reliable information indicates that religious minorities are being targeted and their members subjected to abductions, killings or the confiscation of their property by extremist groups,"
Right now Christians are being killed and tortured all over the Middle East and other parts of the world. ISIS is beheading children, raping women, and killing scores of Christians in Iraq. They are also warning Christians to convert or be massacred. At the same time, ISIS jihadists are crucifying Christians and others in Syria, and the bloody civil war in Syria has left 170,000 dead and created millions of refugees fleeing for safety. Are these brothers and sisters being abandoned by God? Are they not under the protection of God like Prince says every Christian is? Yes this Psalm does promise protection, but often God allows, and even brings suffering and persecution into the lives of His children for their good and His glory (James 1:2-4; Phil 1:29).

The death of Peter

The death of Peter tells us three things about suffering:
John 21:18-19 Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go." (This he said to show by what kind of death he was to glorify God.) And after saying this he said to him, "Follow me."
1. The purpose of the way Peter was to die was for the glory of God
2. The glory of God took priority over the suffering Peter endured in death
3. Peter’s death was ordained by God
God is not running this world?
But the most disturbing statement comes at around the 17.46 min. mark of the clip where Prince states, "God is not running this world. If God were running this world there would be no hospitals. If God were running this world there would be no need for missiles and weapons."

This is classic Word of Faith theology, which, in case I haven't mentioned it before, is heresy.

The Bible makes it clear that God is running the world, contrary to what Prince and other Word of Faith preachers teach. Let's look at some passages of Scripture that make this clear.
Psalms 115:3 Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases.
In case someone would say, "Yes, but notice the verse says He does all He pleases in the heavens," there's Psalms 135:6 Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps.
Daniel 4:34-35 At the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High, and praised and honored him who lives forever,for his dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom endures from generation to generation; all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, "What have you done?"
Notice in this passage, that God does "according to His will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth." This means that nothing is outside of the realm of God's control. He is sovereign over everything. This control even covers calamities including war.
The Prophet Jeremiah saw the destruction of his people by the hand of God through King Nebuchadnezzar and this is what he lamented:
Lamentations 2:11 My eyes are spent with weeping; my stomach churns; my bile is poured out to the ground because of the destruction of the daughter of my people, because infants and babies faint in the streets of the city.
Yet he saw where this destruction ultimately came from when he said:
Lamentations 3:37-38 Who has spoken and it came to pass, unless the Lord has commanded it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that good and bad come?
Amos 3:6 Is a trumpet blown in a city, and the people are not afraid? Does disaster come to a city, unless the Lord has done it?
We live in perilous times. War, famine, and pestilence is is all over the news. The first hurricane to hit Hawaii in 22 years is about to blow. A second one follows close behind. Earthquakes are being reported in various places, and the worst outbreak of the Ebola virus in History has taken some 900 lives in West Africa. Yet God is in control. He is sovereign over every event. Shame on Prince, and any Pastor for that matter, for not teaching the absolute sovereignty of God to their people.

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Links to Make You Think

Here are this week's links to make you think.
This article from the Cripplegate gives a good explanation of the phrase “He descended into hell” from the Apostles Creed.
Going along with the above article is another post by the Cripplegate entitled “Does the Doctrine of Hell Make God Unjust?"
Here is a post from Liberate on the power of sin by Paul Tripp.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Does Love Bake the Cake?

I saw a tweet last week that really showed me the shallow knowledge many "Christians" have when it comes to the biblical view of love. The church has become inundated with a worldly view of love, a love that accepts everyone without question, even when those they accept are involved in unbiblical practices such as homosexuality. This was the tweet:
What is the presupposition behind this tweet? "Homosexuals are who they are because God made them this way, and in order to be loving we need to embrace them and accept them for who they are." However, this is an unbiblical view of love. I propose that love would not give to all who ask. Love would not bake the cake. Love would not take the photos. And love would not go to the wedding. Endorsing the homosexual lifestyle is not the biblical view of love. It's the opposite. Here's why.
To give credence to something that the Bible calls evil leads a person down a path of destruction. And for a Christian to embrace and promote a person in willful rebellion against God will ultimately lead that person to hell. True biblical love promotes truth not sin. True biblical love cares enough about the person caught in sin to tell them their need of repentance. True biblical love exposes sin because it genuinely cares about people's souls.

Love Does Not Celebrate Evil

1 Corinthians 13:6 it (love) does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.
Homosexuality is "wrongdoing." The Bible makes this clear- 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. Since homosexuality is wrong doing, it is unloving for the Christian to embrace those caught in it, even if involved claim to be Christians.

Love Does Not Give To All Who Ask

Before we even look a what the Bible says about this, let's think about the statement from a parent/child aspect. Is it love to give something harmful to my child, even if he begs me for it? If I know it has potential to bring him harm I'm not going to give it to him no matter how much he wants it. Giving him something harmful him is unloving.
Homosexuality is harmful. It can cause physical and emotional trauma. This is because God has not designed the male body for male to male sex, or the female body for female to female sex. The female body was designed for male sex and vice versa. Here are some health risks of the homosexual lifestyle.
Excessive sexual promiscuity results in serious medical consequences — indeed, it is a recipe for transmitting disease and generating an epidemic.11 The HIV/AIDS epidemic has remained a predominantly gay issue in the U.S. primarily because of the greater degree of promiscuity among gays.12 A study based upon statistics from 1986 through 1990 estimated that 20-year-old gay men had a 50 percent chance of becoming HIV positive by age 55.13 As of June 2001, nearly 64 percent of men with AIDS were men who have had sex with men.14 Syphilis is also more common among gay men. The San Francisco Public Health Department recently reported that syphilis among the city’s gay and bisexual men was at epidemic levels. According to the San Francisco Chronicle:
Physical health problems
Common sexual practices among gay men lead to numerous STDs and physical injuries, some of which are virtually unknown in the heterosexual population. Lesbians are also at higher risk for STDs. In addition to diseases that may be transmitted during lesbian sex, a study at an Australian STD clinic found that lesbians were three to four times more likely than heterosexual women to have sex with men who were high-risk for HIV.
Mental health problems
It is well established that there are high rates of psychiatric illnesses, including depression, drug abuse, and suicide attempts, among gays and lesbians. This is true even in the Netherlands, where gay, lesbian and bisexual (GLB) relationships are far more socially acceptable than in the U.S. Depression and drug abuse are strongly associated with risky sexual practices that lead to serious medical problems.
Life span
The only epidemiological study to date on the life span of gay men concluded that gay and bisexual men lose up to 20 years of life expectancy.
Monogamy, meaning long-term sexual fidelity, is rare in GLB relationships, particularly among gay men. One study reported that 66 percent of gay couples reported sex outside the relationship within the first year, and nearly 90 percent if the relationship lasted five years.

Does the Bible really say "love gives to all who ask?"

James 4:3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.
James is talking about prayer in this verse. He says that there are prayers that go unanswered. Why? Because those asking for things to spend on their passions. God does not give to them, because they are asking for things that will harm them. Not only that, but they are sinning by asking. God will not answer those kinds of prayers.
Psalms 18:41 They cried for help, but there was none to save; they cried to the Lord, but he did not answer them.
We see here that God did not answer the prayers of David's enemies, even when they cried out to Him.
Micah 3:4 Then they will cry to the Lord,but he will not answer them;he will hide his face from them at that time,because they have made their deeds evil.
Why is God hiding his face and refusing to answer the people of Israel? Because their deeds were evil. Since homosexuality is condemned by God it is evil. Love does not give to all who ask.

Love would not bake the cake, take the photos, and no, it would not go to the wedding

Contrary to what Mega Church Pastor Andy Stanley said Jesus would not have baked the cake.
Jesus promoted the biblical view of marriage, then He commanded that this God ordained union (a union only between a man and a woman) not be separated. Mark 10:7-10 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate."
Notice first the word "wife." The Greek word for "wife" is gyne and it means- woman; wife; a betrothed woman. Second notice that "the two (man and woman) shall become one flesh." This is does not, and cannot take place between two males or two females. Third, the biblical view of marriage was ordained by God who commanded that "man not separate." Although this is primarily referring to divorce, an argument could be made for the command not redefine the God ordained view of marriage.
Jesus would have never been involved in something that violates God’s Law. Nor would He ever have endorsed a practice that harms other people. Some would say, "But didn't Jesus hang out with sinners? Didn't He eat at their houses, and even say that He came for them?" The answer is yes. But if you look at each incident in the Gospels where Jesus "hung out" with sinners such as prostitutes and tax collectors, He never endorsed or promoted their sin. As a matter of fact, He called them to repentance (John 4:16-18; Luke 19:8-10).
Christ loved sinners. And since Christ loved them, so should we. However, Jesus never endorsed or promoted their sin. He lovingly called them to repentance because He loved their souls. Therefore love does no harm to another person, but seeks what is best for them. This is why it would be unloving to "bake the cake, take the photos, and yes- even go to the wedding."

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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Why the Authority of Scripture Matters

1. God, who is Himself truth and speaks truth only, has inspired Holy Scripture in order thereby to reveal Himself to lost mankind through Jesus Christ as Creator and Lord, Redeemer and Judge. Holy Scripture is God’s witness to Himself.

2. Holy Scripture, being God’s own Word, written by men prepared and superintended by His Spirit, is of infallible divine authority in all matters upon which it touches: it is to be believed, as God’s instruction, in all that it affirms; obeyed, as God’s command, in all that it requires; embraced, as God’s pledge, in all that it promises.

3. The Holy Spirit, Scripture’s divine author, both authenticates it to us by His inward witness and opens our minds to understand its meaning.

4. Being wholly and verbally God-given, Scripture is without error or fault in all its teaching, no less in what it states about God’s acts in creation, about the events of world history, and   p xvi  about its own literary origins under God, than in its witness to God’s saving grace in individual lives.

5. The authority of Scripture is inescapably impaired if this total divine inerrancy is in any way limited or disregarded, or made relative to a view of truth contrary to the Bible’s own; and such lapses bring serious loss to both the individual and the church.~The Chicago Statement on Biblical Innerancy (1978)
from the book, Sproul, R. C. Can I Trust the Bible? Vol. 2. The Crucial Questions Series, pp.xiv-xv. Lake Mary, FL: Reformation Trust Publishing, 2009.

The above statement, a brief summary of several articles, was a direct result on the attack of the authority and innerancy of Scripture by liberal theologians. During the 1960'S and 1970's many began to espouse the view the the Bible was merely "suggestive" and not authoritative. As a result, many evangelical leaders met together in Chicago and drafted and published their belief of the authority and innerancy of Scripture.

But why does belief in the authority of Scripture matter? How does it affect ones life if he/she does not consider Scripture authoritative and binding upon their lives? Again, R.C. Sproul summarizes it well:
The issue is crucial. It is via the Scriptures that the church historically has claimed to understand matters of faith and life, from God’s creation of all things from nothing to the significance of the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ to the ultimate consummation of all things toward which history is moving. If the Bible is unreliable in what it teaches about these things, the church is left to speculate and has nothing of value to speak to the world. Ibid, p.xii.
Simply put, if the Bible is not God's word then we as Christians have nothing to offer the world: no future hope, no escape from our own corruption, and most importantly, no redemption from our sins!

If the Bible is not authoritative in matters of faith, and particularly life, then we are truly free to become a Flotsam and Jetsam society; and indeed, we are seeing that now as the battle for God's intended design of the family is deprecated more and more.

And because many preachers have abandoned this crucial doctrine they have given a license to their congregation to indulge in any type of sinful behavior whether Scripture speaks clearly on the subject or doesn't.

If the Evangelical church is to survive the coming cultural storms (and they are coming) then we must once again take up the mantle of such men as Wycliff, Huss, Tyndale, Knox, and a host of others who actually gave their lives in death with the belief and a conviction of the authority of Scripture. We must submit ourselves to its authority and be willing to push against the tides of our ever-shifting society–even if it means death!

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Do Not Play With the Dagger that Stabbed our Lord

Sin is the Dagger that stabbed our Lord. At the cross He experienced the shame and guilt that should have been ours. And it was ours. Our sin was there, upon Christ. All of the vile thoughts and deeds that we have ever done were placed on Him. Christ hung on a tree absorbing every drop of wrath due us. How then can we live in it any longer (Rom. 6:1-2)? Christ not only died to pay the penalty for sin, but to deliver us from it as well. Let us remember the infinite price that was paid for our freedom, and let us flee from every sin that Christ died to set us free from.
Here is a portion of a sermon by Charles Spurgeon entitled "The Object of Christ's Death." You can find the entire sermon here. I pray it helps you in the worship of our Lord this Sunday morning.
The answer of the text is, "He gave himself." I will not say that he gave his royal crown, that diadem which did outshine the sun; I will not say that he laid aside his azure rest, and hung it on the sky as he came down to earth; I will not say that he gave up for us the thrones and royalties of heaven. You know that he did all this, and far more; nor need I remind you that, when upon earth, he gave up all that he had, even to his last garment, for they parted his raiment among them, and for his vesture did they cast lots. I need not say that he gave his back to the smiters, and his cheeks to them that plucked off the hair, nor that he gave his hands to the nails, and his feet to the cruel iron. I need not say that he gave his body, his soul, and his spirit, but you have it all in these three words: "He gave himself."
"He gave himself for our sins." That is the wonder of Christ's death, our sins could not be put away except by his dying in our stead. There was no expiation of our sin, and consequently no deliverance from its condemnation, except by Christ's bearing in our room, and place, and stead, that wrath of God which was due to us; and he did do it. "He gave himself for our sins." I need not say more upon that point except just this. Do not, I pray you, let us permit him in any sense or measure to fail of his supreme object. "He gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world," therefore, out of gratitude to him, if for no other reason, let us not be of the world, and like the world, servants of the world, slaves of the world. What! did Christ die to deliver us from the world, and do we go back to it, and deliberately put our necks under the world's yoke, and wear the world's yoke, and become again the world's slaves? I am ashamed of myself, and of you, whenever we for a moment act as the ungodly world acts, and become as the world is, self-seeking, rebellious against God's will, living contrary to the divine law of Christ. Oh, let every drop of blood he shed on Calvary purge you from all resemblance to the world! Let the dying Savior's cries move you to hate the sin which the world loves; from Calvary, hear him cry, "Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing." By the blood with which he bought you, be ye not of the world, seeing that he hath redeemed you from among men that you might be altogether his own.
How does the death of Christ deliver us from the world? It does this by removing from us the condemnation of our sin. Having borne our sins in his own body on the tree, Christ has for ever freed us from the penalty that was our due. You know that is the very essence of the gospel; and you also know that I preach this truth every time I stand here, so I need not enlarge upon it now.
Christ has also delivered us from the world by making sin hateful to us. We say to ourselves, "Did sin kill Christ? Then we cannot play with that dagger that stabbed our Lord. How can we be friendly with the world that cast him out, and hanged him on a tree? O murderous sin, how can I give thee lodgment in my heart when thou didst kill the altogether lovely One?" Men speak hard things of regicides, but what shall I say of deicides? And sin is that deicide which slew the Christ of God; yet, marvel of marvels, by that death on the cross he hath crucified us to the world, and the world unto us, and so he has delivered us from this present evil world.
I may add that Christ has also delivered us from the world by the splendor of his example in giving himself to die for his enemies, and by the glory of his infinite merit, whereby he purchased back that image of God in Adam which sin had obliterated. He gave himself, the very image of God, and more than that, God himself, that he might give back to us that image of God which long ago we had lost. Thus has Christ delivered us from this present evil world; judge ye, sirs, whether he has thus delivered you.

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Friday, August 1, 2014

4 Theological Flaws of Joseph Prince

Joseph Prince, Pastor of New Creation Church in Singapore, is becoming extremely popular in the Word of Faith movement. His popularity comes because of his teaching on grace. Even Word of Faith heretic Creflo Dollar seems to be jumping on the grace wagon lately.

The problem with Prince is not his teaching on grace. He teaches correctly that it is only the work of Christ on our behalf that saves, not our works. He also makes it clear that the Law has no power to to make us holy. However, there are huge theological problems with his teaching. The main problem is that he teaches the heretical Prosperity Gospel, mixing Word of Faith Theology with grace. The Prosperity Gospel is a false gospel. So even though Prince is clear when it comes to the work of Christ for sinners, he teaches that because of Christ's work, the sinner is not only forgiven, accepted and loved by God, but is entitled, and should pursue health, wealth, and prosperity. This is heresy. This is mixing the Word of Faith prosperity heresy with the gospel. Not only is this a problem, but there are other theological problems with his teaching as well. Here are four that you need to be aware of.

1. The problem with repentance

In his book Destined to Reign Prince says this about repentance
"For all of you who feel that there should be more preaching on repentance, do you know what the word ‘repent' means in the first place? The word ‘repent' is the Greek word matanoeo, which according to Thayer's Greek Lexicon, simply means ‘to change one's mind.' But because we have been influenced by our denominational background as well as our own religious upbringing, many of us have the impression that repentance is something that involves mourning and sorrow. However, that is not what the Word of God says. Repentance just means changing your mind."
Prince is not being honest with the Greek word metanoeo. Here are the Strong's definitions of the word
Greek Definition
g3341. μετάνοια metanoia; from 3340; (subjectively) compunction (for guilt, including reformation); by implication, reversal (of (another's) decision): — repentance.AV (24) - repentance 24;a change of mind, as it appears to one who repents, of a purpose he has formed or of something he has done
Notice the word compunction in the definition. Here is the English definition for compunction:
Webster -Compunction: a feeling of guilt or regret ( chiefly US)
Full Definition
1 a : anxiety arising from awareness of guilt b : distress of mind over an anticipated action or result 2 : a twinge of misgiving : scruple synonyms see penitence, qualm com·punc·tious -shəs adjective
So, to repent does not just simply mean "to change ones mind." There is much more to it than that. The word that Prince used in his above statement makes this even more clear.
Repent: metanoeo: "to think differently or afterwards to reconsider (morally feel compunction) To change ones mind. To change ones mind for the better, heartily to amend with abhorrence of ones past sins."
As you can see, this definition means more than simply "to change ones mind.

How did Christ define the Gospel?

Luke 24:45-47 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
Christ makes it clear that repentance and the forgiveness of sins is to be preached. In other words, we must preach Law and Gospel. No one can be saved without repentance. A gospel without repentance is no gospel at all.

Examples of repentance from Scripture

Matthew 11:20-24 Then he began to denounce the cities where most of his mighty works had been done, because they did not repent. "Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I tell you, it will be more bearable on the day of judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for you. And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? You will be brought down to Hades. For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. But I tell you that it will be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom than for you."
Acts 26:19-20 "Therefore, O King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, but declared first to those in Damascus, then in Jerusalem and throughout all the region of Judea, and also to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds in keeping with their repentance.
Matthew 12:41 The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here.
Acts 3:19 Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out,
2 Corinthians 12:21 I fear that when I come again my God may humble me before you, and I may have to mourn over many of those who sinned earlier and have not repented of the impurity, sexual immorality, and sensuality that they have practiced.
Revelation 3:19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent.

2. The problem with discipline

Joseph Prince says that Believers are never punished for their sins
"You will never find an example of God punishing a believer for his sins in the new covenant." ( chapter 5, p 57, Destined to Reign)
There is no tension between temporal and eternal punishment. The Scriptures speak of both. The eternal punishment for sins has been taken care of by Christ at the cross. However there are several examples of God's discipline of His children in the NT.

Examples from Scripture

Hebrews 12:5-6 And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons? "My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives."
"chastise" in the Greek means "to scourge"
Acts 5:3-6 But Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of the land? While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? Why is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to man but to God." When Ananias heard these words, he fell down and breathed his last. And great fear came upon all who heard of it. The young men rose and wrapped him up and carried him out and buried him.
1 Corinthians 11:28-30 Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.

3. The problem with suffering

Being a Word of Faith teacher, Prince has made, and continues to make numerous statements about God's desire for Christians to be healthy.
The problem with this thinking is that Scripture is replete with passage that state the opposite. What about passages that actually promote suffering in the Christian life? There are also passages that speak of Christians suffering sickness.

Examples from Scripture

Suffering in general
Romans 8:16-17 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
Philippians 1:29 For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake,
James 1:2-4 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
1 Peter 2:20 For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.
1 Peter 4:19 Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.
Revelation 2:10-11 Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who conquers will not be hurt by the second death.’
Suffering because of sickness
2 Timothy 4:20 Erastus remained at Corinth, and I left Trophimus, who was ill, at Miletus.
Why didn't Paul heal Trophimus? Is it not God's will that all of His people be healed?
1 Timothy 5:23 (No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.)
Why didn't the Apostle Paul have someone lay hands on Timothy to heal him from his frequent ailments? Also notice Timothy's ailments were frequent.
Galatians 4:13-15 You know it was because of a bodily ailment that I preached the gospel to you at first, and though my condition was a trial to you, you did not scorn or despise me, but received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus. What then has become of your blessedness? For I testify to you that, if possible, you would have gouged out your eyes and given them to me.
Certainly of all people, the Apostle Paul could have healed his own "bodily ailment" right? Wasn't it his handkerchief that brought healing to the sick in Acts 19?
Acts 19:11-12. And God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched his skin were carried away to the sick, and their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them.

What about our brothers and sisters around the world suffering persecution

Dozens of Christians in the village of Attagara, Nigeria, were killed in two separate attacks carried out by Boko Haram militants on June 1 and 3. Militants dressing in army clothing shot and slashed people while bombing and burning homes. One of the assaults lasted for more than five hours.

4. The problem with money

In chapter one of Destined to Reign, Prince states that God calls His people to enjoy wealth.
"You are destined to reign in life. You are called by the Lord to be a success, to enjoy wealth, to enjoy health and to enjoy a life of victory. It is not the Lord's desire that you live a life of defeat, poverty, and failure."
This is heresy. The Bible is against storing up treasures on earth, and seeking worldly pleasure.

Examples from Scripture

1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.
Hebrews 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
1 Timothy 3:2-3 Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.
Matthew 6:19-21 Lay Up Treasures in Heaven "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Luke 12:15 And he said to them, "Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."
Jude 1:11 Woe to them! For they walked in the way of Cain and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam's error and perished in Korah's rebellion.
Keep in mind, Joseph Prince has no problem calling himself a Word of Faith preacher. Here are some of the heretical teachings of the Word of Faith movement.
1. Adam was created a little god.
2. God used the "force of faith" to create the universe, and continue to use the "force of faith" to accomplish His work on earth today.
3. Man sold his godhood to Satan when he fell, making Satan the god of this world.
4. Because of this God lost all control in the earth realm and is reliant on man. God needs an invitation by man in order to work out His plans.
5. According to Kenneth Copeland, this made God "the biggest failure in all the Bible."
6. The reason it took Christ so long to come is because it took God this long to find people to cooperate with His plan to take back control of the earth from Satan.
7. Christ's atoned for our sins in hell and not on the cross.
8. Jesus ceased to be the Son of God at the cross, taking on the nature of Satan.
9. Jesus was born again in hell, in other words, He had to be saved just as we do today.
10. Because God conquered Satan through the death of Christ, we are entitled to health, wealth, and prosperity.
11. The Christian is now a little god.
As you can see, these are dangerous teachings. Does Joseph Prince believe these teachings? I must assume so since he calls himself a Word of Faith preacher. Even if he doesn't believe the majority of these teachings, he's still guilty by association since he promotes and preaches in their churches.

Here is a PDF paper on Joseph Prince written by Lisa Cooper entitled ,"The Law is Holy, Just, and Good." Lisa Cooper does a fantastic job showing through her extensive research how Joseph Prince is not only a Prosperity Preacher, but also an antinomian.

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